The 5th event: “Challenges faced by small/rural communities”, 20-22 November 2019

The 4th event: “EU decision making process”, 16-18 October 2019
February 11, 2020
The 6th event: “What do I want from EU?” 22 – 24 January 2020
October 4, 2021

The fifth event took place in the small Spanish town of Cheste, in the period 20 – 22 of November 2019. Cheste is in close proximity with Valencia and is a world-renowned city on the motorcycle track that hosts MOTO GP every year.

20.11.2019 we started the 5th event of the project!

The fifth event took place in the small Spanish town of Cheste, in the period 20 – 22 of November 2019. Cheste is in close proximity with Valencia and is a world-renowned city on the motorcycle track that hosts MOTO GP every year.

The participants, besides the partner organizations, were the philologist and journalist Jordi Sebastià, elected MEP by Compromís in 2014; Professor and trade unionist Paloma López; MEP also in the eighth legislature of the European Parliament, by Plural Left and lawyer Manolo Mata, current spokesman for the socialist group in the Valencian Courts.

The event was organized by the organizers of the event - participants in three groups visited three schools operating in the city of Cheste and learned about curricula designed to educate EU citizens at different levels, from pre-school to 9th grade. Children and teachers have also prepared a special program - dances from all partner countries in this project, children's games, competitions in knowledge of EU countries and their symbols, cuisine, etc.


As part of the event, a conference was held at the town hall, attended by top local authorities and current MEPs and two former MEPs, as well as by interested citizens. There has also been a debate on the Erasmus program, which is a very valuable and important program for the EU.

Project partners